Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mr. Bug is ONE!

My sweet baby boy is a year old today! As always, time moves too quickly. I am especially melancholy because there is a high probability that he is my last baby, and this is the last time I'll get to watch a child of mine eat his first birthday cake, or learn to walk, or say his first words...I'm trying to treasure every moment, but life just keeps moving by.

Casey is 19 lbs. (5%) and 30" long (60%), and has taken his first steps but still prefers crawling to walking. He can say Mama, Dada, Dog (Dah!), Diaper (Die-Dah!), Done, Yeah, and Wow. He also shakes his head no, and does the sign for "milk" and "food." He will give high fives, and waves bye-bye.

He loves Gerber veggie cheetos, and refuses to eat baby food. He has started to drink whole milk, but he only likes it if it's warmed up a little. He's still a booby boy, and prefers to nurse over eating solids.

He's getting better at sleeping at night, and usually goes to bed around 8 in his crib. He'll wake up at 11 or 12, then 2 or 3 am, then sometimes 5 am to nurse, before we get up around 8. Lately he'll sleep through one or the other of those times. He usually takes 2-3 naps during the day, but not very long ones (maybe 1/2 hour or so).

He had his first taste of chocolate cake today, though his party isn't till Saturday.