Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Steps!

Casey took his first unassisted steps today! He walked 2-3 steps from Daddy to Mommy, and he did it twice. Aaaahhh too soon! LOL

He'll be 11 months tomorrow. I wish they could stay little for just a bit longer.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Visit From Grandpa Earl

Grandpa Earl came down from Vancouver to visit and exchange Christmas presents today. We treasure the times we get to see him, because it's not often! Casey had just woken up from a nap, so he took a while to warm up to his Grandpa, but by the end of the visit he was happy in Grandpa's arms. Grandpa Earl gave Casey some cute PJs, and we gave Grandpa framed photos of Casey. Merry Christmas, Grandpa!

Friday, December 18, 2009


So far, Casey can say "mama," "dada," and just started saying "diaper." Tonight, after he finished nursing, I made the sign for "all done" and said it to him, and he said "Done!" His vocabulary is growing quickly!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vampire Baby!

Casey's been pretty fussy for the last few days, and I thought it might be a tooth coming in, so I kept feeling on his bottom gum, expecting the next one to come in next to his first one (on the bottom middle). I didn't feel anything, though, so I figured he must be fussy for some other reason. Well, my instincts were right the first time - he's getting TWO more teeth, just not where I expected them! After I was done nursing him tonight, he threw his head back for a second and I saw two white buds on the TOP gum, but they're the ones beside the middle front ones! So he's gonna look like a vampire when they come all the way out. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa and Diaper (but not together!)

Today was an eventful day! After we picked Sammie up from school, the kids got all dressed up and we went to see Santa at the mall. The minute I set Casey down on Santa's lap, it was like flipping a switch. My usually-happy little guy just SCREAMED. They got two quick pictures before I scooped him up, at which point he stopped crying immediately.

I'm pretty sure all three of my kids have done this the first time they met Santa. Par for the course, I guess. Something about the suit, maybe? Or is it the beard?

Later in the evening, as I was getting ready to change Casey's diaper, I made the sign for "change diaper," as usual, and said, "Let's change your diaper, Casey!" He replied back with a very clear, "Dia-da!" He did it a few more times, repeating after me, so Casey's third word (after Mama and Dada) is officially "diaper!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Library Baby Storytime

We went to our second week of baby storytime at the library today, and I think Casey's really getting into it! We sing songs, do signs, and read books. There are lots of other kids there, so Casey gets some socialization in. Fun stuff!

Monday, November 23, 2009

2nd Tooth?

I think I feel a new tooth coming in next to Casey's first one on the bottom!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Rolled Front to Back

He was on the floor on a blanket for some tummy time, and rolled right over!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Smile

At 4 weeks and 1 day old. I was tapping his chin and talking to him and the corners of his mouth went cute!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome, Casey!

Name: Casey Benjamin
Born: January 27, 2009, 1:13 PM
Weight: 6 lbs. 7 oz.
Length: 19.5"

I was diagnosed with Obstetrical Cholestasis around my 29th week of pregnancy, and due to possible complications related to the disease, it is recommended that all Cholestasis patients be induced around 36-37 weeks. On Jan. 26th, at 37 weeks, I had an amniocentesis done in order to make sure Casey's lungs were mature and ready for delivery. It came back positive for maturation.

I had originally been scheduled to come into the birthing center at 8am the next morning for my induction, but the Dr. who was on call that day and did my amnio suggested I come in that night of the 26th instead, so they could start me on Cervadil and prepare my cervix a little more before starting the Pitocin in the morning. At my amnio appt., I was 1 cm dilated and about 50% effaced.

We spent the afternoon making last minute preparations for our little boy, and I made sure to eat a good meal, since I wouldn't be allowed any food at the hospital until I delivered.

We got to the birthing center at around 6:30. The Dr. said the Cervadil would help soften and ripen the cervix, and may cause some contractions, but they would most likely be minor enough for me to get some sleep, so we planned for my fiance to go home for the night and get one last good night's rest. The Cervadil was inserted at 7:30, right after Matt left for home.

About 8 I started to contract, and I felt them all in my back. By 9 I had called Matt and told him I needed him to come back...I wasn't getting any break between the ctx and could barely breathe for the pain. The monitor wasn't picking them up, so it was hard to tell if they were doing anything, but the pain was intense, and the nurse gave me some Percocet around 9:30. Matt had made it back by then, but I could barely talk and was doing some pretty heavy moaning and breathing. The Percocet didn't do much to help the back pain at all, but when the nurse checked me at 10:30 I had progressed to 3cm, so I felt like at least the contractions were doing something!

They kept getting worse, and by 11:30 I was begging to get in the Jacuzzi tub, not sure if they would let me since I had been told I had to stay on the monitors while the Cervadil was in. Labor is the most dangerous time for Cholestasis babies. It can stress them out without warning, so they like to monitor them really well. The nurse called the Dr. and to my surprise she said I could use the tub, they'd just have to remove the Cervadil.

Ohhhh the tub was heaven! It allowed me to relax and gave me some breaks in between contractions. Unfortunately I was only able to stay in it for an hour before I had to get back on the monitors for 20 minutes. By that time, they had once again become so close together that I wasn't getting any breaks, so I asked for the epi man to come save me.

He was pretty prompt, and I got my epidural around 1:30am. The nurse checked me then and I had made it to a 4. They also put in an internal contraction monitor since the external one wasn't picking up my ctx. They were pretty regular, but not measuring very strong. Matt and I were able to catch some zzzzzs on and off until about 6:30 am when the Dr. came in to check me. I was still at 4, so she broke my water, which unfortunately didn't force my contractions to be any stronger.

Finally, we started the Pitocin around 10 am, and things moved pretty quickly after that. By 12:30 I was feeling pressure and trying not to push with each contraction. The Dr. made it into the room around 1, and I pushed 5 times before little Casey slid out! He was sooo tiny and perfect. I felt a lot more of the birth than I had with my daughters, so it was a new experience for me to feel the pain of pushing, but I only had a tiny tear that didn't even need stitches.

He is a pro at breastfeeding, and is just the sweetest little guy. I love waking up to his daddy holding him with so much love in his eyes.