Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa and Diaper (but not together!)

Today was an eventful day! After we picked Sammie up from school, the kids got all dressed up and we went to see Santa at the mall. The minute I set Casey down on Santa's lap, it was like flipping a switch. My usually-happy little guy just SCREAMED. They got two quick pictures before I scooped him up, at which point he stopped crying immediately.

I'm pretty sure all three of my kids have done this the first time they met Santa. Par for the course, I guess. Something about the suit, maybe? Or is it the beard?

Later in the evening, as I was getting ready to change Casey's diaper, I made the sign for "change diaper," as usual, and said, "Let's change your diaper, Casey!" He replied back with a very clear, "Dia-da!" He did it a few more times, repeating after me, so Casey's third word (after Mama and Dada) is officially "diaper!"

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